
Glaucoma is a disease that damages your eye's optic nerve. Early detection and treatment are key to preventing vision loss so here's what you need to know...

Around 2% of the UK population over the age of 40 have glaucoma.

Most cases are caused by a build-up of pressure in the eye when fluid is unable to drain properly. This increase in pressure then causes damage to the optic nerve.

Anyone can develop it but the following factors put you at a higher risk:

🟩 if you have a history of glaucoma in your family

🟩 if you're over 50

🟩 if you're very short or very long sighted

🟩 if you've had eye injury or trauma

🟩 if you're of African, Caribbean or Asian origin

Glaucoma is sometimes referred to as the "silent thief of sight" because it typically progresses slowly and without noticeable symptoms until irreversible damage has occurred. This just highlights the importance of regular eye tests, especially for anyone that is high risk.

Don't take chances with your eye health - book an appointment for an eye test today!


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